UdG Loan Service
This service enables any member of the university community and other authorised persons to take out books, audio-visual documents, and so on, from the Library. To use this service, you just need to show your UdG card.
The number of documents varies depending on the type of user. If you are a student, you can take out up to 10 documents for 21 days. See other types of users:

Each campus library can set longer or shorter loan periods depending on user demand.
At Campus Centre, the loan period of the recommended bibliography documents is 7 days.
From "My account" you can check your loans, your requests, your fines and your personal information. You can also renew your loans.
You will receive an email warning two days before the return date, which is when you should renew the loan from “My account”. You can renew the loan as many times as you wish, provided no other user has reserved it. If this is the case, the system will not allow you to renew the renovation and you must return the document to the library on the stipulated day.
At one of the desks at any of the three campus libraries, during opening times, or in one of the return boxes outside the Barri Vell, Montilivi and Centre campus libraries, whenever you like.
Late returns are sanctioned with suspension from the loan service for one day for each day the loaned material is returned late, and per document. If it is recommended bibliography material, then the suspension increases to three days for each day the material is returned late.