Coordinadora d’ONG Solidàries Resource Centre Library - CeDRe
The Peace and Solidarity Resource Centre (CeDRe) of the Coordinadora d’ONG Solidàries is a reference centre on solidarity in Catalonia. It is open to the general public and specialises in development cooperation, peace culture, human rights, education and communication for development, immigration and interculturality, gender equality and sustainable human development.
The CeDRe has books, journals, large-format and board games, documentaries, films and exhibitions, and its collection has been integrated into the University of Girona Library's Catalogue since 2004, thanks to an agreement between the University of Girona and the Coordinadora d’ONG Solidàries.
The documents that belong to this collection are available and can be consulted in the UdG Library Catalogue and in the CCUC (Collective Catalogue of the Catalan Universities). To take documents and other resources out on loan, you must go to the CeDRe centre.
Centre de Recursos per la Pau i la Solidaritat
Espai de Solidaritat
Mestre Francesc Civil, 3 baixos
17005 Girona.
972 21 99 16
Horaris: de 9a 14h i de 16 a 19h.